,Fruit Basket Georgian Silver Made In England By John Wakelina & Robert Garrard In 1793 Weight 30.20 T.Oz 10" Diameter 5.1" Tall
Make an impresssion by giving this gorgeous item as a gift to last a lifetime. This is a beautifully unique item that you will be happy to purchase and make part of your collection.

Item #: 14871501
1 in stock.

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,Coffee Pot Sterling Silver Made In London, England In Year 1813 Contains 28.80 Troy Ounces Measures 9.75" Tall
This is a fabulous piece that you will enjoying owning. This is a beautifully unique item that you will be happy to purchase and make part of your collection.

Item #: 14871517
1 in stock.

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,George Iii Footed Mug Ca. 1762. Makers Mark Is Worn & Cannot Be Read. Approx. 4 3/4" Tall. Weighs 9.805 Troy Ounces.
Silver Queen has been in business helping customers since 1972. This is a beautifully unique item that you will be happy to purchase and make part of your collection.

Item #: 14871536
1 in stock.

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Small Platter Spoon 3.20 Troy Ounces 10.75" Long Made In London, England In 1763
This is an oustanding piece that you will treasure for many years to come. This is a beautifully unique item that you will be happy to purchase and make part of your collection.

Item #: 18341501
1 in stock.

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Inkwell Holder Georgian Sterling Silver Made In London In 1811 5.40 Troy Ounces 7" X 3.5"
Make a good choice by buying this item from The Silver Queen Inc. since 1972. This is a beautifully unique item that you will be happy to purchase and make part of your collection.

Item #: 14871506
1 in stock.

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Small Tray 6.5" X 4.75" Made In London, England In Year 1810 Of Sterling Silver
Make a good choice by buying this item from The Silver Queen Inc. since 1972. This is a beautifully unique item that you will be happy to purchase and make part of your collection.

Item #: 14871504
1 in stock.

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,Berry Serving Spoon 8.5" Long 2.3 Troy Ounces Sterling Silver Made In London, England Year 1798
Make an impresssion by giving this item as a gift to last a lifetime. This is a beautifully unique item that you will be happy to purchase and make part of your collection.

Item #: 14871535
2 in stock.

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Serving Spoon 8.5" Long Made By Hester Bateman In London In The Late 18Th Century 1.95 Troy Ounces
This is an fabulous piece at an extraordinary value. This is a beautifully unique item that you will be happy to purchase and make part of your collection.

Item #: 17149505
1 in stock.

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Berry Serving Spoon Made In Sheffield,England Sterling Silver Year Made 1817 Weighs 1.95 Troy Ounces 8.8" Long
This is a really outsanding piece, one that will be remembered and treasured. This is a beautifully unique item that you will be happy to purchase and make part of your collection.

Item #: 14871502
1 in stock.

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