Tengra Figurine 'Young Lady With Roses' 10.5" Tall & 6.5" Wide
Make your present one to remember by purchasing this handsome gift item. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 10111501
1 in stock.

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Silver Spiral 7.5" Stand 3 Arm. Ornaments Stand
Make your present one to remember by purchasing this beautiful gift item. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181503
6 in stock.

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,Scheibe Alsbach Napoleanic War General De Beauharnais Figurine. Ca. 1900-1940. 10.1" Tall. #12753. Blue Kister Mark.
You can't go wrong with this piece for giving it as the perfect gift. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 10111504
1 in stock.

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Gold 9.5" Ornament Stand 2 Arm
Silver Queen has been in business helping customers buy since 1972. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181504
12 in stock.

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,Scheibe Alsbach Napoleanic War Marquis De Lafayette Figurine. Ca. 1900-1940. 9.5" Tall. #12753. Kister Mark.
Give an extraordinary gift by selecting this exquisite item. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 10111505
1 in stock.

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Silver 3 Arm Ornaments Stand
This is just simply a stunning piece that you will enjoy giving as a gift. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181506
11 in stock.

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9" Ebony Waxed Plate Stand
Make your present one to remember by purchasing this inspiring gift item. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181507
7 in stock.

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7" Rosewood Plate Stand
This is an exquiste gift item that will be the talk of any gathering or party. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181508
4 in stock.

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5" Gold Wood Plate Stand
Make your present one to remember by purchasing this unique gift item. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181509
4 in stock.

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5" Rosewood Plate Stand
Silver Queen has been in business helping customers purchase since 1972. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181510
31 in stock.

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9" Gold Wood Plate Stand
You can't go wrong with this piece for giving it as the perfect gift. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181512
14 in stock.

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,Rare 1758-1770 Chelsea Porcelain Boy With Birds Figurine (Gold Anchor Period). 4.75" Tall. Tip Of Stump Has Professional Repair
Make your present one to remember by purchasing this unique gift item. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 10111513
1 in stock.

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5" Ebony Waxed Plate Stand
This is an oustanding piece that you will treasure for many years to come. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181513
1 in stock.

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7" Rosewood Plate Stand
Make an impresssion by giving this beautiful item as a gift to last a lifetime. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181514
5 in stock.

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7" Gold Wood Plate Stand
Make your present one to remember by purchasing this fantastic gift item. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181515
13 in stock.

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,Vintage Beswick England Pair Of Partridges Figurine #2064. 5.75" Tall, 5.4" Wide, 5.4" Long
Make a good choice by buying this item from The Silver Queen Inc. since 1972. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 10111515
1 in stock.

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10" Ebony Finished Plate Stand
This item will make the perfect gift for the person who has everything. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181516
4 in stock.

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4" Rosewood Wood Plate Stand
Give a fabulous gift by selecting this cherished item. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181517
17 in stock.

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4" Gold Wood Plate Stand
This is a really fabulous piece, one that will be remembered and treasured. This is an unusual piece that will become a conversation piece in any household upon its viewing.

Item #: 11181518
7 in stock.

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,Onc Old Newbury Crafters Hand Hammered 8" X 3" Bowl. 15Ozt

Item #: 2506519
1 in stock.

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