12445 Aluminum Oval Tub With Gold Fleur De Lei Medallion On Side. Great For Icing Beverages. 12X18.5"
This item will make a great gift that will be remembered and cherished for year India Handicrafts, Inc. was established in 1985 as a home accessories distributor. We've explored the world to create the best collections of home

Item #: 16796520
1 in stock.

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12445 Aluminum Oval Tub Fleur De Lei Design Medalion On Side In Bronze Coloring.Great For Cooling Drinks! 12X18.5"
Make a smart choice by buying this item from The Silver Queen Inc. since 1972. India Handicrafts, Inc. was established in 1985 as a home accessories distributor. We've explored the world to create the best collections of home

Item #: 16796522
1 in stock.

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